Sarah A. Mushtaq


Snr Product Designer
elevating digital

human experiences through equitable, accessible, and
intuitive design solutions.


Hi, I'm Sarah! 👋🏽

I'm a Product Designer with a deep passion for creating designs that are as beautiful as they are functional. My journey in design is intertwined with my interests in neuroscience, mindset hacking, and exploring diverse cultures. These passions fuel my belief in the transformative power of art and design in driving social and behavioral change.

My professional path has taken me through exciting roles at Spotify, Wayfair, and Weight Watchers, enriching my experience in crafting human-centric experiences. I'm currently on the lookout for my next adventure — one that ignites my creativity and sparks joy.

When I'm not pondering the impacts of modern technology and design, you'll find me immersed in the wonders of life, whether that's through yoga or meditation, dancing at music festivals, planning my next travel escapade, chasing after my two goodest pups, Kennedy & Healer, or spending quality time with my husband and our two littles.

Thank you for visiting my little nook on the interwebs. Let's connect and explore how we can create meaningful and impactful designs together!



Got a grand idea and need a designer? HMU!